FAQ on Architectural Lighting

What defines a lighting designer ?

Lighting designers is a person who understand and sensitive towards architecture and interior design, how to bring about mood of the building while in the same time has broad knowledge in lighting technicality and specification. Because good lighting concept is not a good lighting design unless proven realistic and buildable.

what is the result or the benefit of well designed lighting environment ? how lighting could add value to building ?

Designing Architectural Lighting is designing how we see, curating the visual stimuli of form and texture to catch and uplift the mood of the building. It started as an art for stage lighting, the art of inducing drama, mood and emotion towards stage performance.

Lighting design affect directly through uplifted visual aesthetic and functional illumination towards human activity. But Indirectly, light also involved in regulation of melatonin, hormone that involve in Human Circadian system, a 24 hour sleep/wake cycle. Lighting design that encourage natural human circadian system will boost human performance, or accelerate recovery in medical lighting application (some study says).

Does the extra investment for lighting design will create significant result?

You will be amazed how much different space will look like when we remove Glare from the equation, add soft General Lighting, create Drama and contrast by adjusting and placing certain luminaire. And adjust the overal look with lighting system.

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